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Top 10 Modern Studying/Learning Skills

10 Modern Studying/Learning Skills

Top 10 Learning Skills
Everybody wants to succeed in their Learning process to get the best out of your school/university course you will need to develop and enhance a wide range of key skills, such as:
  1. Always read your assignment before you come to class. Be prepared in Advance
  2. Find a seat near the front of the room. Up close, you can see the board, be more aware of the instructor's facial expressions.
  3. Identify some serious students in each class and get to know them. Get their phone numbers in case you have questions or need help during the term.
  4. Copy everything the instructor writes on the board. This is especially true of examples, solutions, outlines, and definitions.
  5. Organize and index your notes with colored tabs. If notes are allowed on any exam, you'll be ahead of the game.
  6. Do not try to write down every word the tutor/teacher says listen only for the main points/ideas.
  7. Voice changes usually indicate important points-listen for increases in volume or dramatic pauses.
  8. Repetition is a clue that an important point is being made.
  9. Think, react, reflect, and and ask questions. Actively participate
  10. Spend 5-20 minutes reviewing your notes immediately after class. Fill in missing areas in your notes. Studies show that short periods of study improve long term memory.

4 Types Of Learning style

1. Activists

  • Flexible and open minded; happy to have a go; happy to be exposed to new situations, Optimistic about anything new  and therefore unlikely to resist change.
  • Tendency to take the immediately obvious action without thinking; often take unnecessary risks; tendency to do too much themselves and hog the limelight; rush into action without sufficient preparation; get bored with implementation/consolidation.

2. Reflectors

  • Careful, thorough and methodical, thoughtful, good at listening to others and assimilating information; rarely jump to conclusions.
  • Tendency to hold back from direct participation; slow to make up their minds and reach a decision; tendency to be too cautious and not take enough risks; not assertive: not particularly forthcoming and have no ‘small talk’.

3. Theorists

  • Logical ‘vertical’ thinkers; rational and objective; good at asking probing  questions; disciplined approach.
  • Restricted in lateral thinking; low tolerance for uncertainty, disorder and ambiguity; intolerant of anything subjective or intuitive; full of ‘shoulds, oughts and musts’.

4. Pragmatists

  • Keen to test things out in practice; practical; down to earth; realistic; businesslike: get straight to the point; technique  orientated.
  • Tendency to reject anything without an obvious application; not very interested in theory or basic principles; tendency to seize on the fi rst expedient solution to a problem; impatient with waffle; on balance, task orientated.
NOTE: A combination of the above learning styles is  ideal, as it gives a good balance.


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