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The System On Education In Namibia

Education System In Namibia

When Namibia became independent, the Ministry of Education and Culture felt that it was necessary to formulate a new language policy for schools. This policy was detailed in a document entitled The language policy for schools: 1992-1996 and beyond (MEC, 1993). This policy instructed that students should be taught primarily in their home language in Grades 1-3, with further instruction in these languages being provided throughout their formal education; additionally, English was to be a compulsory subject starting in Grade 1, and then become the main medium of instruction from Grade 4 and onward. The goals of this policy were to utilize education as a tool to enhance students’ language and cultural identity, and to help students become competent in English by the end of their seven-year primary education cycle (MEC, 1993).
Education System In Namibia

The Namibian Educational system is divided into three categories and each category prepares the learner with different responsibility for the next category till them each University level.

Primary Education

The Namibian education system has been evolving since the nation achieved independence, although the dream of equal education for all remains tantalizingly unreached. A program of pre-primary education is unrolling, and was completed by 2013. Pupils spend their first 7 years at primary school from age 6, where they are promoted from grade to grade on the basis of competencies

Middle Education

Secondary education takes place in Namibia in 2 phases, of which the first 3 years are spent in a middle school environment and culminate in the junior secondary school certificate examination. After that, students have a choice between continuing with an academic curriculum, or focusing on their working careers instead.

Secondary Education

The final 2 years of secondary school are optional and paid for, and this education is mainly available only in urban areas. Should students wish to study at a university afterwards, then they must either pass their international general certificate of education moderated by Cambridge University, or their higher international general certificate of education that is marked there too.

Tertiary Education

There are 2 general tertiary education institutions in Namibia (and a further 3 specialized ones) namely the Polytechnic of Namibia and the University of Namibia. While the former admits students with a qualifying Grade 12 Certificate, the latter is more restrictive.

Structure of Education system in Namibia

EducationSchool/LevelGrade FromGrade ToAge FromAge ToYears
PrimaryElementary Education176137
SecondarySecondary Education812/1314175/6
TertiaryHigher Education

NSSCO Grade 11 and NSSCAS Grade 12 Exam Results


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