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News updates - matokeo ya kidato cha nne mwaka 2024/2025

Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) 2024

This is an achievement test offered by necta to candidates who have completed four years of secondary education. How to Develop Your Career

TAMISEMI SELFORM MIS - Namna ya kutumia Mfumo wa Kubadili Tahasusi na Vyuo vya kati (SELFORM MANUAL)

Are you looking for form four Exam Results? popularly known as "matokeo ya kidato cha nne" (utayapata hapa chini) you are most welcomed; this page is specifically dedicated for O level exam results; just scroll down you will get all the exam results for this year 2023/2024 and the previous years.

You will also get the List Of Students Selected To Join Form Five Here (Form Five Selection 2024/Waliochaguliwa kujiunga kidato cha tano 2024/2025)

"If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people"- Chinese proverb.

CSEE Examination Calendar for 2024/2025 Exams

CSEE is administered at the first week of November every year. For this year 2024; CSEE examination will start on  Monday 11/11/2024 and finish on  Friday 29/11/2024. Ratiba ya Mtihani kidato cha nne
Congratulations to those who have passed their O level Exams!

NECTA Matokeo New Updates

This is an exclusive page for NECTA CSEE Results and Educational resources like; studying skillsnecta past papers & kcse past papers & notes to prepare candidates for the final exams as well as regular updates of Examination Results Like - PSLE ResultsFTNA Results - form two necta resultsACSEE Resultsmatokeo ya ualimu & SFNA Results; from NECTA which is an acronym for "National Examination Council Of Tanzania" and KNEC which stands for "Kenya National Examination Council which oversees KCSE Exams as well as KCPE Exams". Also get (Job Opportunities (Nafasi za Ajira)

O level grading system - Kozi zenye soka la Ajira



When you expect people to fail, they probably will. If you expect them to succeed, they probably will.


Of course  academic  pressure  is not applied  evenly during  the  term, semester  or quarter.  There  are times (especially  during  midterms  and finals)  when  all your teacher/professors  will expect  special  work  from  you  at once.

These  demanding  periods produce  unusual  pressure  and  strain,  especially  if you have  made  the  mistake  of getting  behind  in your  work. The  pace  picks up,  frustrations  increase,  fear takes  a firmer  grip,  and  students  appear  haggard  and  drained. It's a period  of too much  coffee, too many pills,  and  too little  sleep a  desperate  time for the unprepared students.

Not  only  does  it hurt  your  physical  and  mental  health,  but when  the pressures  force abnormal  behavior,  you  can make foolish  mistakes  and jeopardize  your  academic  progress.

How  can you  keep  the  peak period  madness  from  hurting  you?

How  can you  avoid becoming  too tense and frantic? Stick as close as possible  to your  regular  study  and work  schedule.  Avoid late hours. 

Here  are four  suggestions: 
  1. Get enough  sleep  to avoid the tension  merry-go-round  that spins  some  students  into  a state  of chaos. 
  2. Avoid stimulants  .  Stay away  from  excessive coffee and  drugs that  keep  you  awake  but  destroy  your  ability to think clearly and logically when  you  need  to.  
  3. Assume  an air of detachment  from the whole  crazy rat  race.  Look at it from  a distance.  Float through  it with  a calm head and  confident  manner.  Watch  the behavior  of others who  fall prey  to the  pressures,  but refuse  to become overinvolved  yourself.  But what  if the  pressure  builds up  too much  much  despite  your  preventive  measures? Is there  a last-minute  safety valve? 
  4. Physical  exercise is a good  antidote.  (Jog, Play ball,  Go bowling.)  Physical activity is one  way  to reduce  stress  resulting from  a heavier-than-usual  academic  load.

NECTA kidato cha nne Division & points grading system

IVCredit in one subject which is more than grade C OR Credit in two subjects with grade D
0Not having at least two Ds

How to get form four results via Phone SMS

NECTA - Allows students to check “O level results” via sms through mobile. If you found your Internet connectivity is very slow then you may check the “CSEE exam results” using SMS, bellow is the procedure for checking necta exam results via sms:-
Go to write message and type;
  • Dial (Piga) *152*00#
  • Choose 8. ELIMU
  • Choose 2. NECTA
  • Choose the type of service (Chagua aina ya huduma) 1.MATOKEO
  • Choose exam type (Chagua aina ya Mtihani) 2.CSEE
  • Write Index number and year (Andika namba ya Mtihani na Mwaka) Example:- S0334-0556-2022
  • Choose the mode of payment (Chagua aina ya Malipo) - The cost for each SMS is Tshs 100/= After payment you will recieve an SMS for your CSEE NECTA  examination results (Baada ya kukamilisha malipo utapokea ujumbe mfupi wa matokeo)

Other methods on how to check CSEE Necta Results

There are a couple of ways for a student to check the “Matokeo Ya Form Four 2022 ″. The first way is online, this is the easiest way to get CSEE Results online from Second is the mobile-SMS as has been explained above.
  • First visit to
  • At the top main menu click on “ Results”.
  • Then click on “CSEE”.
  • Now a new page will appear called “CSEE Results“
  • Then click the year from which you want its results
  • Click on the name of your school to see the results

When will form four necta exams be announced 

Normally the csee results is out either in late December or Early in the month of January each year. 

The Main objectives of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination

  • To assess students' skills and knowledge achieved in different subjects at secondary school.
  • To weigh the extent to which the student can use the skills gained to meet the social, political, economic and technological challenges for the individual and the national development at large
  • To identify students with the capacity to continue learning to the advanced secondary school level and other learning institutions.
The holder of the CSEE qualification is expected to be able to apply skills of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation in a broad range of activities.

Education System In Tanzania As Compared To Other Countries

Tanzanian Education System can be described in summary as follows:-

  • 2 years optional pre-school from age 5 or 6 
  • 7 years in basic primary education (for children aged 7-13)
  • 4 years of lower secondary Ordinary Level education (ages 14-17)
  • 2 years of secondary Advanced Level education (ages 18-20)
  • 3+ years in Tertiary/University
Progression from one level to another in public schools is not automatic as it depends on national examination results, overseen by the government at the end of Standard 7, Form 4 and Form 6, through the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA).

Top 10 Modern Studying/Learning Skills

How to write a successful thesis or dissertation 

Different Categories Of Secondary schools in Tanzania

Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) marks the end of the primary education cycle and is used as the basis upon which pupils can join the secondary education cycle. At the secondary level, there are basically four kinds of schools available.
  • Government schools

This is the largest group. Most of them are day schools, where students have to commute to school and back home, although a few others offer hostels for boarding. There are no tuition fees from Form 1 to Form 4. In high school (Forms 5 and 6), there is a minimal tuition fee of just about $13.00 for day scholars and about $33.00 for boarding students. Due to low tuition fees, government-owned schools are the major providers of secondary education in Tanzania.

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  • Government “special schools"

 In addition to the local public schools in every ward, the Tanzanian government has established  “special schools”. These schools select the students who performed highly in their primary school leaving exams to join their Ordinary Level program, and the best students in Form 4 to join their Advanced Level (Form 5 and 6) program.
  • Privately owned NECTA schools

These are owned by individuals, missionary groups or private organizations. Most are boarding schools, while others provide both boarding and day options. These tend to be better in quality compared to public schools.
These are the boarding and day schools that offer the best quality of education in Tanzania. They offer international curricula such as Cambridge International. These schools tend to attract wealthy Tanzanians, although a few scholarships are available to students from low-income families.



Form Six (ACSEE) NECTA Results - Matokeo ya kidato cha sita

Form Four Exams (CSEE) - NECTA CSEE Past Papers

matokeo ya shule za sekondari kidato cha nne mwaka 2024/2025

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