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Matokeo ya kidato cha nne


Matokeo ya mtihani wa kidato cha nne 2024/2025 NECTA Tanzania

Matokeo ya waliohitimu mtihani wa kidato cha nne 2024 (The List Of Secondary Schools In Tanzania)

 According to Tanzanian Education system students normally undergo 4 years of Ordinary secondary school (ordinary level) learning period after which they are examined by NECTA to evaluate each student's ability. This National Examination is usually conducted between the month of November to December each year. Examination results for the Certificate of Secondary Education are expressed in letters, whereby the letters A through D represent a passing grade which allows the student to proceed to tertiary education level. 
Dear readers bellow is a Comprehensive Review of NECTA Form Four Exam Results  OR Uchambuzi maalum wa matokeo ya kidato cha nne 2024/2025. 
Did you know why matokeo ya kidato cha nne on this page is exceptional?; Not only do you get form four results for your respective year & the previous years but also a link to form four selection results popularly known as "Form five selection",  Ratiba ya mtihani wa kidato cha nne, Form four past papers, NECTA national grading system,  QT Exam format, Description of 'Star Codes' Used by NECTA in Examination Results & Certificate of secondary education examination (csee) format

 Pengine Wajiuliza; Ni lini matokeo ya kidato cha nne 2024 yatatangazwa? 

Dear form four students be advised that last year necta exam results for form four commonly known as 'NECTA CSEE RESULTS' were announced on 23th January 2025. It  is expected that the same exam results will be released before 1st February 2025 & upon the release you will get the full details bellow.

A word of advise to all form four graduates - Life has only two dimensions SUCCESS and FAILURE In any en-devour;  "If you fail, never give up  because F.A.I.L. means " First Attempt in Learning"; End is not the end, in true sense E.N.D. means "Effort Never Dies"; If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means " Next Opportunity ". To our beloved & highly esteemed form four leavers we wish you all the best in the forthcoming matokeo ya form four 2024.  

Table of Contents (Yaliyomo) 

  1. Matokeo ya kidato cha nne 2024 -2025 

  2. Ratiba ya mtihani wa kidato cha nne 2024/2025

  3. Form four past papers for revision purposes

  4. NECTA National Examination Grading System

  5. For Private Candidates (QT) Exam format 

  6. Description of 'Star Codes' Used by NECTA in Examination Results

  7. Certificate of secondary education examination (csee) format

  1. Matokeo ya kidato cha nne 2024/2025 - Download
Form four CSEE NECTA Results - Karibu upate matokeo ya kidato cha nne mwaka huu wa 2024/2025 kama yalivyotangazwa tarehe 23/01/2025How to be successful in life  (matokeo ya mitihani shule za sekondari kidato cha nne)


  1. Ratiba ya mtihani wa kidato cha nne 2024/2025
CSEE Exams will start on  Monday 11/11/2024 to  Friday 29/11/2024, to read more about the timetable visit Ratiba ya mtihani wa kidato cha nne 2024 - Kozi zenye soka la Ajira
  1. Form four past papers for revision purposes
It’s not what you are going to do, but it’s what you are doing now that counts". Said Napoleon Hill . Udahili wa Vyuo
For you to succeed in any exams there needs to be a prier preparation and in that regard for the prospective form four candidates there is a special need to review the necta past papers to let you know the trend on how the examiners set the papers. We have prepared a list of Form four NECTA past papers to help you in revision.

  1. NECTA Form Four New Grading System - Top 10 schools
A 75-100 1
B 65-74 2
C 45-64 3
D 30-44 4

NECTA kidato cha nne Division Grading system

I 7-17
II 18-21
III 22-25
IV Credit in one subject which is more than grade C OR Credit in two subjects with grade D
0 Not having at least two Ds

  1. For Private Candidates (QT) Exam format

QUALIFYING TEST (For Private Candidates Only)

  • The Qualifying Test examination will be administered to private candidates intending to sit for the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE), but do not have Form II level secondary education.
  • The Qualifying Test will comprise questions from Civics, Cross Cutting issues, English Language, Kiswahili, History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
  • Qualifying Test examination draws as much as possible from the form I and II national syllabus but focus more on testing for knowledge and skills equivalent to National Form II Examination.

GENERAL OBJECTIVE - Matokeo ya form two 2024/2025

The main objective of the Qualifying Test is to determine whether the prospective candidates have attained secondary education equivalent to form two level and thus are in a position to sit for the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).

GENERAL COMPETENCES - form four results news updates

The examination will specifically test candidate’s ability to:
  • Interpret basic knowledge, facts, principles, concepts and figures in the stated subjects.
  • State, define and name basic knowledge, facts, principles and concepts in the relevant subjects.
  • Write correct language using proper grammar, structure and vocabulary in the subject tested.
  • Write a clear summary, answer comprehension questions and write a composition on a given passage, topic or subject.
  • Demonstrate and interpret mathematical knowledge within a given context and manipulate set theory and application, and carry out simple differentiation and integration.
  • Demonstrate use of knowledge and skills in Physics, Chemistry and Biology to solve problems which may involve unfamiliar situations.
  • Use knowledge, concepts, laws, theories and principles of the Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects in daily life.


  • There will be one paper of three (3) hours duration. The paper will consist of 20 questions in sections A and B. Section A will comprise two parts.  Part I will be on Civics and current affairs and Part II will be on English and Kiswahili languages.  Candidates will be required to answer all questions in section A.  
  • Section B will consist of three parts. Part I will be on History and Geography, part II on Physics and Mathematics and part III on Biology and Chemistry.  Candidates will be required to confine themselves to one part only.


This section will comprise twelve (12) questions, and will weigh 60 marks.


  • In this part, question numbers one to three will be on Civics content based on forms one and two syllabuses and question number four will be on Current Affairs.


Will consist of eight (8) questions, four (4) from Kiswahili syllabus and four (4) from English language syllabus for forms one and two.

English Language

The English Language component will comprise four (4) questions.  One question will be on composition and another one on comprehension.  The third one will be a multiple choice question consisting of five items on English patterns.  The fourth one will be of the fill-in-the-blanks type, dealing with tenses, and will have five items.  Each question will carry 5 marks.


Kutakuwa na maswali manne (4) yatakayotoka katika mada za Kiswahili za kidato cha kwanza na kidato cha pili ambazo ni ufahamu, utungaji, sarufi na uundaji wa maneno.  Kila swali litakuwa na alama tano (5).


Section B will comprise three (3) parts; each part will have four (4) questions and will weigh 40 marks. Candidates will be required to confine themselves to only one part.


Will comprise four (4) questions, two (2) questions will be on Geography and two (2) questions on History.  Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in this part.


Part II will comprise four (4) questions; two (2) questions will be on Physics and two (2) questions on Mathematics. 


Part III will comprise four (4) questions; two questions will be on Biology and two (2) questions on Chemistry. 


Civics and Current Affairs

  • Promotion of life skills and family life
  • Human rights and responsible citizenship
  • Government of Tanzania and democracy
  • Proper behaviour and responsible decision making


  • Ufahamu na ufupisho
  • Sarufi
  • Fasihi
  • Utungaji


  • Comprehension and summary
  • Structure
  • Tenses
  • Composition


  • The solar system
  • Weather and climate
  • Map work
  • Human activities


  • Evolution of man, technology and environment 
  • Development of social, political system and economic activities in pre-colonial Africa and their impact
  • Social and economic development in production in pre-colonial Africa
  • Africa and the external world
  • Transition to industrial capitalism


  • Laboratory techniques and safety
  • Scientific procedures
  • Matter
  • Air combustion, rusting and fire fighting


  • Safety in our environment.
  • Health and prevention of diseases.
  • Cell structure and organisation
  • Classification of living things
  • Nutrition
  • Balance of nature
  • Transport of materials in living things
  • Gaseous exchange and respiration


  • Laboratory practice
  • Structure and properties of matter, force and pressure
  • Work, energy, power, light and static electricity
  • Current electricity and magnetism

Basic Mathematics

Numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages
Units, approximation and geometry
Ratio, profit and loss
Coordinates geometry, perimeters and areas

Necta Examination Results

  1. Description of 'Star Codes' Used by NECTA in Examination Results
* S: Results suspended pending clarification of observed anomalies either in candidates' entry details, involvement in cases of irregularities or misconduct in the examination.Results suspended due to centers or schools' failing to meet registration requirements (i.e. centers with less than 35 candidates).

* E: Results withheld, pending proof of candidates' payment of requisite Examination fees.

* I: INCOMPLETE Results due to candidates' missing Continous Assessment (CA) scores in all subjects offered.

I: Incomplete results due to candidates' missing Continous Assessment(CA) scores in one or more subjects offered but not all.

* W: Results withheld/nullified or canceled due to proven candidate's involvement in cases of dishonesty or irregularities before, during or after the examinations.

* T: Specific subject(s) results are transferred to the previous year after a candidate was proven with illness during the examination.

ABS: Candidate missed to take the Exam.

FLD: Candidate failed the Exam.

X: Candidate did not appear to take the exam for the particular registered subject. 
  1. Certificate of secondary education examination (csee) format


In 2005, the Ministry of Education and VocationalTraining (MOEVT) revised the 1997 ordinary level secondary education curriculum.  The revised curriculum mainly emphasises on the development of competences as opposed to mere acquisition of content. This Examinations Format has, therefore, been revised to accommodate those changes.  The schedule of subjects covered in this document and which must be taken by candidates sitting for the CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION (CSEE), is as prescribed by Circular Number 1 of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT), of April 2006.  It includes seven core/compulsory subjects, bias and optional subjects.

The seven core subjects are Civics, History, Geography, Kiswahili, English Language, Biology and Mathematics.  The list of bias and optional subjects is as specified in the said MOEVT’S Circular.  Science stream candidates will be examined in the Physics and Chemistry subjects in addition to the seven compulsory, bias and optional subjects.

New syllabuses have been prepared for those seven core subjects.  The new syllabuses were introduced in secondary schools in 2005 and will be examined for the first time in the CSEE in October 2008.  The syllabuses for Physics and Chemistry, which were still undergoing revisions up to 2007, are expected to be in use effective from January 2008.  They will be examined for the first time in the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination in 2011.  Meanwhile, the 1997 syllabuses for Physics and Chemistry subjects, as well as for bias and optional subjects, will continue to be used.

This Examinations Format includes the formats of all the subjects that will be examined in the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination in October 2008 onwards. The major objective is to have a single on Examinations Format for all the subjects examined in the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination to ensure easy reference by the users.



There will be one (1) paper of three (3) hours duration.  The paper will consist of sections A and B. 
  • Section A will comprise ten (10) short answer questions carrying six (6) marks each. 
  • Section B will comprise six (6) long answer questions carrying ten (10) marks each.  Candidates will be required to answer ALL questions in section A and four (4) from Section B.  In this section, candidates will be required to clearly show all workings.


  • Numbers/Fractions, Decimals and Percentages/Approximations
  • Exponents/Radicals/Logarithms
  • Algebra / Sets
  • Coordinate Geometry / Vectors
  • Geometry / Perimeter and Areas / Congruence and Similarities
  • Units / Rates and Variations
  • Ratio, Profit and Loss
  • Sequences and Series
  • Trigonometry / Pythagoras Theorem
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Linear Programming
  • Statistics
  • Three Dimensional Figures/Circles/The Earth as a Sphere
  • Accounts
  • Matrices/ Transformations
  • Probability/Relations/Functions



There will be one paper of 2½ hours consisting of 10 questions spread in three sections, A, B and  C.  Candidates will be required to answer ALL questions in sections A and B and THREE (3) questions from section C.

  • Section A will comprise two (2) questions.  Question 1 will consist of 10 multiple choice items.  Each item will weigh 01 mark.  Question 2 will consist of 10 matching items.  Each item will weigh 01 mark.  Question 1 and 2 will be set from any topic of the syllabus.  Section A will weigh 20 marks.
  • Section B will comprise 2 questions (Question 3 and 4).  Candidates will be required to answer both questions.  Question number 3 will be on comprehension.  In this question, candidates will give short answers to 5 items that will be set from the passage.  The passage will consist of 250 to 300 words.  Question number 3 will weigh 10 marks. Question 4 will be broken into two sub-items, (a) and (b), that will demand short answers.  This question will be set from any topic in the syllabus and it will weigh 10 marks (05 marks for each of the two items).
  • Section C will comprise six (6) essay type questions (Questions 5 – 10).  The questions will be set from various topics of the syllabus.  Each question will weigh 20 marks.  Candidates will be required to answer any three (3) questions from this section.  Section C will weigh 60 marks in total.


  1. Our nation
  2. Promotion of life skills
  3. Human rights
  4. Responsible citizenship
  5. Work
  6. Family life
  7. Proper behaviour and responsible decision making
  8. Road safety education
  9. Government of Tanzania
  10. Democracy
  11. Gender
  12. Economic and social development
  13. Poverty
  14. Culture
  15. Globalization



There will be one (1) paper of three (3) hours duration.  The paper will consist of sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions.  Candidates will be required to answer ALL questions in sections A and B and any three (3) questions from section C.
  • Section A will comprise TWO (2) questions.  Question 1 will comprise 10 multiple-choice items from all major topics of the syllabus.  Question 2 will have ten (10) matching items.  This section will weigh 20 marks.
  • Section B will comprise TWO (2) questions.  Question number three will consist of 10 items on maps and diagrams set from all major topics. Candidates will be asked to illustrate (by drawing maps and diagrams).  Question 4 will comprise five (5) items of either finding the missing statement or incorrect statement and five (5) items of arranging historical events/facts in chronological order.  This section will weigh 20 marks (each question 10 marks).  
  • Section C will have six (6) essay type questions set from the major topics of the syllabus.  Candidates will be required to answer three (3) questions.   Each question will weigh 20 marks.


  1. Sources and importance of History
  2. Evolution of man, technology and environment
  3. Development of economic activities and their impact
  4. Development of social and political systems
  5. Interactions among the people of Africa
  6. Socio-economic development and production in pre-colonial Africa
  7. Africa and the external world
  8. Industrial capitalism
  9. Establishment of colonialism
  10. Colonial administrative systems
  11. Colonial economy
  12. Colonial social services
  13. Crises in the capitalist system
  14. Nationalism and decolonisation
  15. Changes in political, social and economic policies in Africa after independence
  16. Africa in international affairs



There will be one (1) paper of three 3 hours duration.  The paper will consist of 12 questions in sections A, B, C and D.  Section D will have two (2) parts.  Candidates will be required to answer all questions in Sections A, B and C and two (2) questions from section D, choosing one (1) question from each part.
  • SECTION A:  This section will comprise three (3) questions.  Question number 1 will consist of 10 multiple-choice items from Physical and Mathematical Geography. Each item will weigh one (1) mark.  Question number 2 will consist of matching items from any topic of the syllabus except Human Geography.  List A will consist of 5 items which will be matched with 10 items from list B.  Each item will weigh one (1) mark.  Question number 3 will be an explanatory question set from a Physical Geography topic.  The question will weigh 10 marks.  Hence section A will weigh 25 marks. 
  • SECTION B: There will be three (3) questions in this section from the following topics: Application of statistics, introduction to research and elementary surveying.  Each question in this section will carry nine (9) marks.  Thus section B will weigh 27 marks.
  • SECTION C: This section will consist of two (2) questions. One question will be set from the map extract given and will weigh 18 marks, the other will be set from the photograph provided and will weigh 10 marks.  The section will weigh 28 marks.
  • SECTION D: This section will comprise four (4) essay questions in parts 1 and II. Part one will consist of two (2) questions set from regional focal studies.  Part two will also consist of two (2) questions. One of the questions will be set from either human population or settlement. The other question will be set environmental issues and management. Each question in this section will weigh 10 marks.  The whole section will weigh 20 marks.


  1. The concept of geography
  2. The solar system
  3. Major features of the earth’s surface
  4. Weather
  5. Climate
  6. Map reading and interpretation
  7. Photograph reading and interpretation 
  8. Elementary surveying
  9. Introduction to research 
  10. Application of statistics in geography
  11. Agriculture 
  12. Water management for economic development
  13. Sustainable use of forest resources
  14. Sustainable mining
  15. Tourism industry
  16. Manufacturing industry
  17. Sustainable use of power and energy resources
  18. Transport
  19. Structure of the earth
  20. Forces that affect the earth
  21. Climate and natural regions
  22. Soil
  23. Human population
  24. Settlements
  25. Environmental issues and management



The examination will consist of two papers, Bible Knowledge 1 and  Bible Knowledge. Candidates will be required to sit for both papers.
  • Bible Knowledge 1 - This paper will consist of EIGHT (8) questions set from Part 1 of the syllabus i.e. The Old Testament. Candidates will be required to answer FIVE (5) questions. Each question will carry 20 marks. The paper will be of two and a half hours (2½) duration.
  • Bible Knowledge 2 -This paper will be set from Part 2 of the syllabus i.e. The New Testament, specifically, the Gospels according to Matthew and Luke and Acts of the Apostles. It will comprise alternatives A and B. Each alternative will comprise eight (8) questions. The questions in the two Alternatives will be of equal weight. Candidates will answer Five (5) questions. Question one (1) of the Alternative A and question number nine (9) of the Alternative B will be compulsory. Each question will carry 20 marks. The paper will be of two and half hours (2½) duration.


  1. The history of religion: Israel before and after Abraham
  2. Israel under the leadership of Moses: Exodus
  3. Israel under the leadership of Joshua: Settlement in the promised land
  4. Israel under Judges
  5. The Gospel according to Matthew and the Acts of the Apostles 
  6. The Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles 



Mtihani wa somo la Kiswahili utakuwa na karatasi moja (1) yenye sehemu A, B, C, D na E na itafanywa kwa muda wa saa tatu (3).
  • Sehemu A itahusu Ufahamu na itakuwa na maswali mawili (2).  Swali la kwanza litahusu kifungu cha habari na swali la pili litakuwa la ufupisho.  Mtahiniwa atatakiwa kujibu maswali yote mawili.  Sehemu hii itakuwa na alama 10.   
  • Sehemu B itahusu Sarufi na Utumizi wa lugha.  Itakuwa na maswali matano.   Mtahiniwa atatakiwa kujibu maswali yote matano yenye kuhitaji majibu mafupi.    Sehemu hii itakuwa na alama 25. 
  • Sehemu C itahusu Uandishi.  Itakuwa na maswali mawili (2) na mtahiniwa atatakiwa kujibu swali moja (1) tu.  Sehemu hii itakuwa na alama 10.
  • Sehemu D itahusu Maendeleo ya Kiswahili.  Itakuwa na swali moja tu ambalo litakuwa na alama 10.
  • Sehemu E itahusu mada za Fasihi  kwa ujumla. Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi andishi, fasihi simulizi na utunzi na uhifadhi wa kazi za fasihi.  Itakuwa na maswali matano (5). Mtahiniwa atatakiwa kujibu maswali matatu (3) tu.  Swali moja litakuwa ni la lazima.  Sehemu hii itakuwa na alama 45.


  1. Ufahamu
  2. Sarufi na Utumizi wa Lugha
  3. Uandishi
  4. Maendeleo ya Kiswahili
  5. Fasihi 



The examination will consist of one (1) paper of three (3) hours duration.  There will be 14 questions in sections A, B, C and D.  Candidates will be required to answer all questions except in Compositions and Response to Reading from each of which the candidates will be required to answer two (2) out of the four alternatives given.
  • Section A:  Comprehension and Summary - This section will consist of two (2) questions.  Question one (1) will have two parts;part one will involve reading a passage and respond to multiple- choice items and the second part will involve transferring information to a chart or filling-in-blank spaces. Question  two (2) will involve summary writing.  Both questions will carry a total of 10 marks (i.e. 5 marks each).   
  • Section B:  Patterns and Vocabulary - There will be a total of five (5) questions designed to test the candidates’ ability to apply (use) different language patterns and vocabulary items in different communicative situations.  There will be a total of five (5) situations each carrying four (4) marks.  The total marks for the section will be twenty (20).
  • Section C: Language Use - The section will have a total of three (3) questions.  These will be matching, jumbled items and one on composition writing.  The matching and jumbled items will carry five (5) marks each.  The questions on composition will comprise four choices (a-d).  Candidates will be required to choose two (2).  Each composition will carry ten (10) marks.  The whole section will comprise 30 marks.
  • Section D:  Response To Reading - There will be four (4) questions in this section. Two (2) questions on poetry from  which the candidate will be required to attempt one(1) question and two (2) others on novels/short stories and plays from which the candidate will also attempt one(1). Each question will carry 20 marks.  Total marks for this section will be 40.  For Section D (Question 11 – 14) the List of Readings will be provided by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.


  1. Comprehension and Summary
  2. Patterns/Vocabulary
  3. Language Use
  4. Response to Reading



There will be one paper for this subject.  The paper will be of 2½  hours duration.  It will comprise 12 questions in sections A, B, C and D.  Candidates will be required to attempt five (5) questions.  Each question will be awarded twenty marks (20).  In answering the questions candidates will be required to refer to at least two texts.  
  • SECTION A will consist of three (3) questions and candidates will be required to attempt two (2) questions.  The questions in this section will be on Theories of Literature, Definitions of Literary Terms, Role of Literature and Form and Content in Drama.
  • SECTION B will consist of three (3) questions on form and content of Plays and candidates will be required to attempt one (1) question. A list of prescribed texts will be provided.
  • SECTION C will consist of three (3) questions on form and content of Novels and Short Stories. Candidates will be required to attempt one (1) question. A list of prescribed texts will be provided.
  • SECTION D  will consist of three (3) questions on form and content in Poetry. Candidates will be required to attempt one (1) question. The main reference for this section will be ‘The Selected Poems compiled by the Institute of Education’.  



There will be two (2) papers.
  • PHYSICS 1 THEORY - This paper will consists of eleven (11) questions in sections A, B and C.   Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.  The paper will be of 3 hours duration.
  • Section A will consist of three questions. Question 1 with ten multiple choice items, question 2 with ten matching items and question 3 with ten filling- in- the- blanks items. Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in this section.  This section will weigh 30 marks.
  • Section B will consist of six (6) long answer questions. Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in this section.  This section will weigh 60 marks.
  • Section C will consist of two (2) questions aimed at assessing the candidates’ skills in management of Physics apparati and simple technological appliances in everyday life.  Candidates will be required to answer only one (1) question. The section will weigh 10 marks.
  • ACTUAL PRACTICAL - This paper will consist of two (2) questions and candidates will be required to answer both questions.  Question one will come from topic Mechanics and question two will come from Heat, Light, Waves or Electricity topics.  Each question will weigh 25 marks.  The paper will be of 2½ hours duration. 
  • Advance instructions will be sent to schools at least one month before the date of sitting for this paper.  However, there will be no 24 hours advance instructions and the envelope containing the question papers will not be opened 24 hours before the time of commencement of the examinations.
  • More than one alternative papers will be prepared and sent to schools according to the number of candidates taking the paper.  Alternative A will be sent to schools with up to 100 candidates, alternatives A and B to schools with candidates not exceeding 200 and alternatives A, B and C to schools with more than 200 candidates.


  1. Mechanics
  2. Heat
  3. Light 
  4. Waves
  5. Electricity 
  6. Electromagnetic
  7. Radioactivity 
  8. Thermionic emission
  9. Electronics
  10. Elementary astronomy
  11. Geophysics
  12. Sustainable energy



.There will be two papers; Chemistry 1 and  Chemistry 2.   
  • Chemistry 1 - This will be a theory paper of 3 hours duration and will comprise thirteen questions in sections A, B and C.  Candidates will be required to answer all the questions.
  • Section A will consist of two questions.  Question   one will comprise ten multiple choice items and question two will comprise ten matching items.  This section will weight twenty marks.
  • Section B will consist of nine short answer questions.  Each question will comprise two items.  This section will weigh fifty-four marks.
  • Section C will consist of two essay questions without items.  This section will weigh twenty-six marks. 
  • CHEMISTRY 2 PRACTICAL - This paper will be of 2½ hours duration and will consist of three questions.  Candidates will be required to answer all of them.
  • Question 1 will be on Volumetric Analysis and Laboratory Techniques and Safety. 
  • Question 2 will be derived from Ionic Theory and Electrolysis/Chemical Kinetics, Equilibrium and Energy. Question 3 will be on Qualitative Analysis.
  • Questions 1 will carry twenty (20) marks and the remaining questions will carry fifteen (15) marks each.  
  • The use of qualitative analysis guide pamphlets will be allowed in the examination room.  Advance instructions and 24 hours advance instructions will be sent to the schools to enable them to prepare apparatuses, equipment and materials required for the examination, well in advance.
  • NOTE: This paper will have more than one alternative papers which will be sent to schools depending on the number of candidates.


  1. Introduction to chemistry
  2. Laboratory techniques and safety
  3. Heat sources and flames
  4. The scientific procedure
  5. Matter
  6. Air, combustion, rusting and fire fighting
  7. Oxygen and hydrogen
  8. Water
  9. Fuels and energy
  10. Atomic structure 
  11. Period classification
  12. Formula bonding and nomenclature
  13. Chemical equations
  14. Hardness of water
  15. Acids, bases and salts
  16. The mole concept and related calculations
  17. Volumetric analysis
  18. Ionic theory and electrolysis
  19. 5.19Chemical kinetics, equilibrium and energetic
  20. 5.20Extraction of metals
  21. 5.21Compounds of metals
  22. Non-metals and their compounds
  23. Organic chemistry
  24. Soil chemistry
  25. Pollution
  26. Qualitative analysis

CSEE EXAMINATION - BIOLOGY  (Form four examination results) - matokeo form two 2023


The examination will consist of two papers.  Paper 1 will be a theory paper and paper 2 a practical paper.  
  • BIOLOGY 1 - The theory paper will be of 3 hours duration.  It will comprise 13 questions in sections A, B, and C. Candidate will be required to answer all the questions in sections A, and B; and one question from section C. The paper will weigh 100 marks.
  • Section A - Will consist of two questions each of which will weigh 10 marks.
  • Section B - Will consist of eight (8) structured short answer questions, each of which will be divided into two parts. This section will weigh a total of 60 marks, and the mark allocation for individual questions will be indicated at the end of each question.
  • Section C - Will comprise three (3) long answer/ essay questions.  Candidates will be required to answer only one (1) question. The answer for this question will have to be comprehensive, having as many points as possible. This question will weigh 20 marks.
  • BIOLOGY 2 - PRACTICAL - Will be of 2:30 hours duration.  The paper will consist of two (2) questions.  Question 1 will be taken from any of the topics listed in the examination contents. Questions 2 will focus on classification of living things. Candidate will be required to answer both questions. The paper will weigh 50 marks, with 25 marks allocated for each question. 


  1. Introduction to Biology
  2. Safety in our environment 
  3. Health and prevention of diseases
  4. Cell structure and organization
  5. Classification of living things
  6. Nutrition
  7. Balance of nature
  8. Transport of materials in living things
  9. Gaseous exchange and respiration
  10. Movement
  11. Co-ordination
  12. Excretion
  13. Regulation
  14. Reproduction
  15. Growth
  16. Genetics
  17. Evolution
  18. Human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)



The Agricultural Science examination will comprise 2 papers, paper 1: Theory and paper 2: Practical.
  • AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 1 (THEORY)  - This will be a theory paper of 2½ hours duration.  It will consist of sections A, B and C.  Candidates will be required to answer all questions in sections A and B and only one question from section C.  The paper will weigh 100 marks and 2/3 weighting. 
  • Section A will consist of two objective type questions, each of which will weigh 10 marks. Question 1 will consist of ten multiple-choice items.  Each item will have five choices from which candidate will be required to chose the correct answer and write its letter beside the corresponding item number. Question 2 will consist of ten matching items.  Ten stems or premises will be listed in column A and 20 matching statements/responses in column B.  Candidates will be required to write the letter of the response in column B that fits the premise in column beside the premise number.
  • Section B will have eight (8) short-answer questions weighing 60 Percentage of the total marks.  Each question will be composed of two items (a) and (b).  The mark allocation will be indicated at the end of each question.
  • Section C will comprise three (3) questions.  Candidates will be required to answer only one question from this section by writing an essay.  Each question will weigh 20 marks.
  • AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 2 (PRACTICAL) - The paper will be of 2¼ hours duration.  It will consist of three questions and candidates will be required to attempt only two (2) questions.  Each question will weigh 25 marks, total 50 marks and 1/3 weighting.


  1. Crop science and Production
  2. Livestock science and production
  3. Agricultural and environment management
  4. Agro-mechanics
  5. Soil science
  6. Rural economy
  7. Natural resources
  8. Agricultural extension
  9. Crop science and production
  10. Livestock science and production
  11. Soil science
  12. Agro-mechanics



There will be two (2) papers for this subject. Paper 1 which will be a theory paper and paper 2 which will be a practical paper.  The duration for each paper will be 3 hours.
  • PAPER 1 - This will be a theory paper and will consist of 12 questions in sections A, B and C.  
  • SECTION A - This section will consist of 3 questions which will be:
  1. Multiple-choice question-with 10 sub-items
  2. Matching items question-with 10 sub-items
  3. True and False question - with 10 sub-items
  • This makes a total of items in this section to be 30.  All the items in this section will carry 1 mark, totalling to 30 marks.   Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in this section.
  • SECTION B - This section will consist of six (6) short answer-questions.  Each question will have 3 – 5 sub-items, making a total of 25 sub-items.  Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in this section. This section will carry a total of 50 marks.
  • SECTION C - This section will consist of three (3) long questions.  Candidates will be required to answer two (2) questions.  Each question will carry 10 marks.
  • PAPER 2  - This will be a practical paper.  The paper will consist of three (3) questions.  Candidates will be required to answer two (2) questions.  Each question will carry 25 marks.  The total marks for this paper will be 50. 
  • There will be no 24 hours advanced instructions for this paper.
  • Candidates will submit soft copies of their work to NECTA alongside their written practical work.
  • Weighting per paper: Paper 1 - 100 marks Paper 2 -  50 marks


  1. Information
  2. The computer
  3. Computer software  
  4. Computer handling  
  5. Computer evolution                                                                           
  6. Word processing
  7. Spreadsheet
  8. Computer networks and communications
  9. Internet
  10. Impact of ICT in the society
  11. Web development
  12. Presentation
  13. Database as information systems
  14. Desktop publishing
  15. Multimedia
  16. Management of database information systems
 Njia nyingine ya kupata matokeo ya waliohitimu mtihani wa kidato cha nne ni kutembelea tovuti ya NECTA Tanzania:- 

How to Overcome Fear - Face Your Fears

When it comes to dealing with fear, you have three choices. First, you can try to avoid it altogether. But  that  means staying away from every known or potential fear-producing person, place, thing, or situation. That’s neither practical nor productive. If you move tentatively from place to place, always worrying that around the next corner you’ll come face-to-face with something that could cause you to fear, you will be tied into knots. A second way to deal with fear is to hope that it will go away. But that’s like hoping for a fairy godmother to rescue you. Third way is to deal with fear, and that is to face it and overcome it. In the end, that’s the only method that really works. 

The challenge in Tanzania Education System

  The most significant challenge in Tanzania Education System is language barrier. The language of instruction in primary school is Swahili, whereas all the classes in secondary school are taught in English (and all examinations are in English as well). Thus, there are no connections and common standards concerning the language policy in the educational system of Tanzania. Children feel confused because they do not know enough English to take classes in secondary school, and in many cases they do not understand their teachers who speak English and deliver the information in this language 

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