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The Best Universities In USA

The Best Universities & Colleges In USA for International Students

The Best Universities In USA
The toughest part of working up the ladder is fighting through the crowd at the bottom.

Bellow are the nutritional tips/rules for maximizing your mental energy while studying:-

  •  Drink water constantly. Have a water bottle with you, or make frequent trips to the water fountain. Your body needs water to function. Hydration increases your energy, masks boredom-induced food cravings, and staves off sleepiness. 
  • Monitor your caffeine intake carefully. Don’t drink more than one large caffeinated beverage in any one-hour period. While a Coke or cup of coffee can heighten your concentration, too much caffeine in a short period will make you jumpy and unfocused. 
  •  Treat food as a source of energy, not satisfaction. When studying, carefully choose snacks that promise a long-term energy boost. Try vegetables, fruit, anything whole grain, lean proteins, peanuts, or natural granola bars. Refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour, will provide only a quick energy rush followed immediately by a damaging energy drain and increased appetite. Avoid these unhealthy snacks at all costs while working. If you follow rule one, your frequent water consumption will dull the cravings for specific foods, making it much easier to stick with healthier fare.
  • Don’t skip meals. Snacks alone are not enough to fuel your mind for long periods. Even on the busiest of days, eat regular meals. If you skip breakfast to get a jump start on studying, or put off lunch until the late afternoon so you can finish your reading, you will experience more hunger than your snacks can effectively satisfy. Hunger, and the corresponding low blood sugar, will rob you of your ability to concentrate and set you up to succumb to procrastination. 
I can't believe that God put us on this earth just to be ordinary. - Lou Holtz

Bellow Are The Best Universities & Colleges In America for International Students

University at Buffalo  - New York

The University at Buffalo, part of the State University of New York, has an extensive global reach with a large number of international programs. Situated on the border of Canada, the university has more than 5,000 international students from 115 countries. There are a number of cultural programs, including a special week-long orientation for international students, a student scholar service that helps international members adjust to life in Buffalo, and an English Language Institute that helps international students prepare for university study.

UB - Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

University at Buffalo - ONLINE APPLICATION
If we are to achieve results never before accomplished, we must expect to employ methods never before attempted.- Francis Bacon NF

Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts

There are students at Harvard from more than 130 countries and the number of Harvard students studying abroad has doubled since 2002. There are also Harvard offices outside of the United States, including the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies in Chile and Brazil. International students will also feel welcomed by the amount of research being done on global issues, from AIDS to economic development in China.

Havard  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Havard University - Application Requirements

Harvard University - ONLINE APPLICATION
Never stop learning. If you learn one new thing everyday, you will overcome 99% of your competition.- Joe Carlozoh,-

Princeton University - Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton welcomes international students through its Davis International Center, which offers specialized support for international students and their families and offers resources to help them adjust to life in the U.S. The school also offers a full calendar of international events, has an art museum with an extensive global collection, and supports a number of study abroad opportunities. In the 2012-2013 school year there were 555 international undergraduate and 994 international graduate students from a number of countries, including Canada, China, the United Kingdom, Korea, and India. And because of Princeton’s large aid packages, this school is a very affordable choice for international students.
Princeton University  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Princeton University - Application Requirements for International Students

Princeton University - ONLINE APPLICATION
The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too   low and we reach it. - Michelangelo

Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut

There are 2,249 international students at Yale – 10% of the undergraduate population, but 18% of the total student body if you include the graduate and professional schools. There are 118 countries represented, and the top ones are China, Canada, South Korea, India, the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Mexico, Australia, and Italy. The school has a special office to help immigrants adjust to life in the U.S. as well as a center for career planning, employment services, and funding options. And thanks to Yale’s large financial aid packages, most students don’t pay the full $44,000 tuition rate.

Yale University  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Yale University - ONLINE APPLICATION (International 1st year Application)

Yale University - ONLINE APPLICATION (Local 1st year Application)
Destiny is not a matter of chance; it's a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. - Jeremy Kitson

Binghamton University - Binghamton, New York

Students from Binghamton come from locations as varied as Turkey, Australia, Morocco, and Germany. The school offers support for incoming exchange and dual-diploma students, special academic advising for international students, and a number of study abroad opportunities, and a number of study abroad opportunities. Listed among the elite public universities in the country, even the out-of-state tuition without scholarships isn’t too expensive. The school has a number of exchange agreements with overseas universities and offers a special orientation session for these students.

Binghamton University Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Binghamton University - ONLINE APPLICATION (International)
I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he  hits bottom. - George Patton

Brandeis University - Waltham, Massachusetts

Brandeis University’s International Students and Scholars Office welcomes students from 120 countries around the globe. The office assists international students by determining visa eligibility, preparing visa documents, providing guidance on immigration procedures, offering counseling on cultural adjustment, and organizing programming to enhance international students’ academic experience at Brandeis. Most international scholars are graduate students, although students come for all levels of study from countries like China, India, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and Israel. Brandeis is an expensive school, but their average scholarship/grant package exceeds $30,000.

Brandeis University Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Brandeis University - ONLINE APPLICATION
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

UPenn has the largest percentage of international students of any Ivy League college, although its tuition price tag is marginally higher. The school offers a number of centers, institutes, and area studies programs to help the international students from more than 100 countries feel at home. The school also offers courses in dozens of languages and has an extensive English Language Program to help international members of the community adjust to life in the United States.

University of Pennsylvania Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

University of Pennsylvania - ONLINE APPLICATION
If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page. - Mark Houlahan

Columbia University in the City of New York

Columbia’s enrollment of international students may be in the teens at the undergraduate level, but that number goes up to a whopping 42% when looking at the graduate and professional schools. The university total, including all levels of degree programs, the medical school, and continuing studies departments, is actually 28%. The school’s faculty is heavily involved in global research and there are a number of global centers in countries from Chile to Kenya to India, that facilitate coordination between scholars from the U.S. and other countries.

Columbia University Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Columbia University - ONLINE APPLICATION
Somebody is always doing what somebody else said couldn't be done.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT is unique in that it offers open CourseWare classes in science and technology that are available in many languages to students in just about every country. The university also has the Madsar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, the National Research Foundation in Singapore, and the MIT Sloan School in China. The school also has over 700 global and international projects in the form of research, study abroad, internships, and MIT courses.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - ONLINE APPLICATION
Success never comes to look for you while you wait around. You've got to get up and work at it to make your dreams come true. - Poh Yu Khing

Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, Maryland

Johns Hopkins has 3,050 international undergraduate and graduate students representing 121 countries around the world. The school also has international campuses in Italy and China and a number of organizations and clubs geared specifically to international students. Johns Hopkins encourages study abroad and international research, offers special English as a Second Language Programs, and even created an International Alumni Club so students can keep in touch after graduation, no matter where they call home. With an average adjusted tuition rate of less than $12,000, JHU isn’t a bad choice at all.

Johns Hopkins University  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Johns Hopkins University - ONLINE APPLICATION
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. - Paulette Mitchell

Brown University - Providence, Rhode Island

Brown has more than 1,600 international students studying on campus every year representing over 90 countries, and approximately 500 American students study abroad annually. The Office of International Student and Scholar Services works to create university policies that serve the specific needs of international students, while the Third World Center works to bring together students from diverse communities. Brown also supports a number of global initiatives, from the Focus on Africa to the Year of India, to shine a light on issues facing the international community.

Brown University  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves self-discipline with all of them came first. - Harry S. Truman

Dartmouth College - Hanover, New Hampshire

Dartmouth College goes out of its way to create a curriculum that is specifically designed to build global awareness. Faculty members and graduate students conduct research with colleagues on every continent, while Foreign Study and Exchange programs bring scholars from other countries to the U.S. campus. Students can study the Chinese language in Beijing or environmental studies in South Africa, while 8% of undergraduates and 28% of graduates hail from nations outside the United States. These students represent more than 60 countries and a diverse range of cultural and economic backgrounds, and Dartmouth’s average financial aid package brings many students’ tuition down below $11,000.

Dartmouth College  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Dartmouth College - ONLINE APPLICATION
The average person puts about Em 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes its hat off to those who put more than 50% of their capacity into their work, and the world stands on its head for those few and far between souls who devote 100%. - Andrew Carnegie

Stony Brook University –  Stony Brook, New York

Stony Brook has a number of cultural initiatives that make international students feel welcome, including the Center for India Studies, the Japan Center, and the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Center. The university also offers and English as a Second Language program, an Intensive English Center, International Academic Programs and Services, a Language Learning Center, and Visa and Immigration Services. With a less than $20,000 tuition rate for out-of-state students, attending this school is a deal even without grants and scholarships.

Stony Brook University  Undergraduate Degree & Course Catalog

Stony Brook University - Application Requirements for International Students

Stony Brook University - ONLINE APPLICATION 

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