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Tamisemi News - Announcements

TAMISEMI ‎News & Announcements 2023/2024

"Teachers open the door, but you enter by yourself."

Vision of  TAMISEMI

Tamisemi -Tamisemi News - Announcements
The full list of selected students to join form five and tertiary colleges is now available here bellow having been published by TAMISEMI; both form five selection 2021/2022, form five joining instructions 2021/2022 and those selected to join different colleges of tertiary educationMuhula wa kwanza kwa wanafunzi wa Kidato cha Tano utaanza tarehe 05 Julai,2021 - Reporting time for both form five and colleges. Selform (kubadilisha Combination).

You will get the full list of form five selected students here bellow as soon as the are made available by TAMISEMI:-

To View TAMISEMI Form Five Selection 2022/2023 Choose The Region/Mkoa:- Matokeo ya Form Six 2022

Nacte Student Verification (Uthibitisho)

Transfer to those selected by OR-PMO-RALG to join Vocational Education and Training colleges (Uhamisho kwa wale waliochaguliwa na OR-TAMISEMI kujiunga na vyuo vya Elimu ya Ufundi na Mafunzo) >> Student Verification & Transfer (Uhamisho)

TAMISEMI Form Five Selection 2023/2024

The pdf form of selected students to join form five 2021/2022 pdf


In order to move towards the realization of the Mission within the short, medium and long term; PO-RALG, in collaboration stakeholders will:-
  • Champion decentralization by devolution and create a capable Regional Administration and autonomous Local Government Authorities.
  • Promote Urban and Rural development Policies.
  • Provide continuous performance improvement and empower employees to full fill their maximum potentials.So as to eventually improve the overall quality of life to the majority of Tanzanians.
The establishment of the Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government is enshrined in the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania Article 8 (1) 145 and 146 of 1977 and many other amendments thereafter.

In 1982 the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania passed the Local Government Authorities Act No. 7 (Cap 287) and the Urban Authorities Act No. 8 (Cap 288). The two laws empowered the Minister responsible for Regional and Local Government Administration on the establishment of District, Village, Small Town, and Local Government Authorities.

TAMISEMI Form One Selection 2023/2024

  • In 1990:- The Ministry was known as, the Ministry of Local Government, Community Development, Cooperatives and Marketing and in the late 1990s
  • In 1998:- The functions of the Ministry were transferred to the office of the Prime Minister thus forming two departments which were responsible for Regional Administration and Local Government Administration (MRALG).
  • November, 2000:- During that year MRALG's work was transferred to the Office of the President (PORALG).
  • December, 2005:- Ministry functions relocated to Prime Minister's Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PMO-RALG)
  • December 2015:- However, in December, 2015, the Ministry's (PO-RALG - TAMISEMI) work was relocated to the Office of the President for Regional Administration and Local Government, which continues to this day.

TAMISEMI Selform 2023/2024

How long should you study? Studying Tips

Your break needs to be only five to ten minutes, but it’s important that you take an intellectual breather during this period. This means you should find something you can concentrate on, for just a few minutes, which has nothing to do with the work you were completing right before the break. Read a newspaper article or send a few e-mails. That should be enough.  Some students brought a novel or newspaper with them, and then read a chapter or an article at every break.

No more than one hour at a time without a break

Some cognitive science research concludes that about fifty minutes is the optimal learning period to maximize the material synthesized per time unit.  “Studies suggest you should study in 40 or 50 minute increments for maximum retention. After approximately 40 minutes, take a short break (5 minutes) and continue studying. Without a break, retention is about 30% after 2 hours.

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