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Form Four Past Papers


 We learn  things through a combination of conscious effort and unconscious reactions, and everything we learn becomes part of our long-term memory.

Conditioning Learning

If an experience always follows a particular event, or does so only once but is very upsetting, this can create such astrong link in the brain that you react automatically to the event if it happens again. So, for example, if you have been stung by a wasp, you get nervous when you see another one - or any insect with yellow and black stripes. This basic form of learning is called conditioning. 

Get free CSEE - FORM  FOUR PAST PAPERS - For Revision

Certificate of Secondary Education Examination(CSEE)

This is an achievement test offered to candidates who have completed four years of secondary education.

The Examination Calendar

CSEE is administered at the first week of November every year.

The objectives of CSEE

The objectives of this examination are to assess students' skills and knowledge achieved in different subjects at secondary school. Also to weigh the extent to which the student can use the skills gained to meet the social, political, economic and technological challenges for the individual and the national development at large; to identify students with the capacity to continue learning to the advanced secondary school level and other learning institutions. The holder of the CSEE qualification is expected to be able to apply skills of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation in a broad range of activities.

Eligibility of Candidates who Seats for the Examination

Any students who have completed four years of secondary education at both government and non-government registered schools and passed form two secondary education examination or Qualifying Test. Also, repeaters of the same examination who registered themselves as private candidates.


Form Six (ACSEE) NECTA Results - Matokeo ya kidato cha sita

Form Five Selection - Tamisemi Selections


Form Four Exams (CSEE) - NECTA CSEE Past Papers

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