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  • JKT attendees will be given the opportunity from September 20 to 30
  • The Higher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB) has extended the loan application period by 15 more days from September 1 to 15 this year to provide opportunities for loan applicants who have registered in the system to complete their applications.

The Total Number of Loan applicants

"We started receiving applications online on July 9, this year and until yesterday (31/08/2021) which was the last day of application we had 91,445 applicants who submitted applications, of which 12,252 applications were incomplete and our customers have asked for time to complete," said Badru.

The next step 

According to Badru, the next step is the verification of documents and information submitted by 79,193 applicants whose applications have been completed as reflected in the system.
"There are two groups, 12,252 whose applications have no attachments and are therefore incomplete… and there are 79,193 applications with documents, now we are starting to verify its accuracy and later we will check if they have received admission and those qualified will be loaned," said Badru.

Opportunity to apply for a loan for form six graduates in JKT

Regarding needy students who are continuing their training at the National Reconstruction Camps (JKT), Badru said the youths in 19 camps in the country will have the opportunity to apply for a loan for 10 days from September 20 to 30 this year.

RITA and TPC continue to serve applicants

At the meeting, Badru also stated that HESLB has agreed with RITA and TPC to continue to serve loan applicants throughout the extended period.
"Our colleagues at RITA continue to verify the death and birth certificates they receive and have been doing so even before the opening of the application window… and the Post Office (TPC) has promised to continue receiving documents through the EMS service overtime, we thank them very much," said Badru.

HESLB Loan Allocation Budget for 2021/2022

In the academic year 2021/2022, the Government has allocated TZS 570 Billion to finance the loans of 160,000 students of higher education institutions. Of these, 62,000 students are expected to be first-year students and 98,000 Continuing students. The budget for the year 2020/2021 grew TZS 464 billion and benefited a total of 149,398 students

Publication of Successful Loan Applicants

A list of successful loan applicants with their corresponding allocations shall be published through the Student’s Individual Permanent Account (SIPA) used during application or on HESLB website:  after Batch Approval.


Applicants who are not satisfied with the allocations may appeal by completing relevant Online Appeal Forms, (details to be provided later). Allocation of successful appeals will depend on availability of funds.

Source:- HESLB 

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