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NACTE - National Council for Technical Education

NACTE (National Council for Technical Education)

Why do we learn? So that we can lead the future. Leadership isn’t always so high profile. Setting an example to others by, for example, lining up for a lesson, quietly and responsibly is an act of leadership. It require; seeing the bigger picture, being ambitious and wanting to improve your skills.
NACTE - National Council for Technical Education

National Council for Technical Education (nacte)

NACTE is an abbreviation of (National Council for Technical Education) is a corporate body established by the National Council for Technical Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 9 of 1997). The Act provides a legal framework for the Council to  coordinate provision of technical education and training and establish an efficient national qualifications system that will ensure that products from technical institutions are of high quality and respond to changing needs as well as technological innovations in the world.

Definition Of Technical education

Technical education in this context is defined as “education and training undertaken by students to equip them to play roles requiring higher levels of skills, knowledge and understanding and in which they take responsibility for their areas of specialization”. NACTE is thus, a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral body empowered to oversee and coordinate the provision of technical education and training in Tanzania.

The Scope of the Council (NACTE Online Application 2021/2022)

The scope of NACTE covers all tertiary education and training institutions, other than Universities and their affiliated colleges, delivering courses at technician, semi-professional and professional levels leading to awards of certificates, diplomas, degrees and other related awards.

There are three main Objectives of NACTE namely:-

  1. To establish and maintain the regulatory framework for technical and vocational  technical education and training, leading to quality-assured qualifications;
  2. To assist technical  and vocational institutions to improve and maintain the quality of the education they provide and to ensure that their programmes meet labour market demands by guiding and monitoring their adherence to the regulatory framework; and
  3. To advise the Government on the strategic development of technical and vocational education and training so that it can make informed decisions with regard to policymaking.

NACTE Guidebook 2021/2022

In order for the applications to be considered and processed without due stress, applicants are advised to observe and adhere to guidelines provided in the guidebook


NACTE Online Application 2021/2022

NACTE - Technical Institutions, Universities and their constituent Colleges


MS TCDC is a Training Centre for Development Cooperation in Eastern and Southern Africa. We are situated close to Arusha in Northern Tanzania (East Africa). Throughout the year different courses and workshops run concurrently in a lively international atmosphere promoting sharing of experience and cross cultural discussions. Excellent facilities together with a quiet and pleasant atmosphere makes it an ideal place for reflection and learning 


“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, and he can feed himself for life”

Fisheries Education and Training Agency (FETA) is established by merging two fisheries institutions, Mbegani Fisheries Development Centre (MFDC) and Nyegezi Freshwater Fisheries Institute (NFFI) in line with Fisheries Master Plan (URT 2000). The two institutions are under the Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries and are fully accredited by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE).

MFDC was established by the Government in 1966 as an artisanal fisheries development centre. The main objective was to catalyze technological improvement on fishing crafts for better sea endurance and construction of appropriate fishing gears for improved catching efficiency.


IRINGA RETCO BUSINESS COLLEGE (IREBUCO) is a College Company which was established and incorporated under the Companies Act of 2002 on 10th January 2009 as per the Tanzanian laws.

The main objects for establishing this college is to conduct a variety of business courses, provide consultancy services to the public, conduct ICT courses, carry on provision of formal education and college review classes.


The Agency for the Development of Educational Management (ADEM) is an Executive Agency established under the Executive Agencies Act Cap.245 vested with mandates of improving education management in Tanzania through provision educational management training, research and consultancy services. The establishment of the Agency is in tandem with the Government initiatives for realisation of the Constitution of the United Republic Tanzania and Vision 2025 which requires every Tanzanian to be educated. In order to implement the Vision 2025, education sector need knowledgeable personnel who are able to supervise and manage the provision of education to the public.
Diploma and Certificate Courses

ADEM offers the  following Diploma courses:
Diploma  in Education Management and Administration (DEMA) ( Full Time )
Diploma in School Inspection ( DSI ).

The Certificate course  offered is:
Certificate in Education Leadership, Management and Administration (CELMA) – (Residential, Open and Distance Learning and Evening Programme) 

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