Mara Form Five Selection 2025/2026 - Tamisemi Form Five Selection, MKOA WA MARA.
Bellow is the list of students selected to join form five and tertiary colleges 2024/2025 Mara Region
Mara Region is the birthplace of prominent Leaders including the first
President and Founder of the Nation Hayati Mwl Julius K. Nyerere who
was born on April 13, 1922 in the village of Butiama. and died and was
buried in Butiama village on 14/10/1999. The late Mwalimu Julius
Kambarage Nyerere is the Founder of TANU who led the Independence
movement. In addition, Mwalimu was the Founder of the Revolutionary
Party on 5.2.1977 after the FIVE Political Parties and AFRO SHIRAZI
merged. Other National Leaders who are born in the Region are the
Retired Prime Minister Justice Joseph Sinde Warioba who was the Prime
Minister from 1985 to 1990, the Retired Chiefs of Staff General David
Msuguri and Joseph Waitara. The region is also endowed with top
government officials including Ministers, Ambassadors and Heads of
various Government Institutions.
Mara Region covers an area of 30,150 square kilometers. Out of that
area 10,942 square kilometers is a water area equal to 36 percent and
19,208 square kilometers equivalent to 64 percent is land area. Inland,
9,452.34 square kilometers (49.2 percent) are located in the wildlife
reserves, including the Serengeti National Park, Ikorongo and Grumeti
Game Reserves and Grumeti and Ikorongo Game Reserves. Excluding the
area the Region is retained by 9,755.66 Square Kilometers equivalent to
50.7% of the land area for agriculture, livestock and housing. The
region borders Kenya and Uganda to the North, Kagera and Mwanza Regions
to the West, Simiyu Region to the South and Arusha Region to the East