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How to build a successful niche

How to build a successful niche as a blogger

Blogging opportunities

Publishing is changing quickly as more and more readers migrate from paper-based products to electronic media, whether it’s a computer, a tablet, a mobile device, or an e-reader. Change of this sort always creates opportunities, and in the last few years it’s become clear that professional blogging is one of them.The last decade saw a generation of blogs grow from being side projects and hobbies, into sites with enormous readerships and real revenues.Very quickly blogging has become a legitimate publishing business, and today a survey of the top 100 blogs shows that with a few notable celebrity exceptions, almost all of them are backed by real publishing businesses.
How to build a successful niche as a blogger
Opportunities in blogging also arise from the many niches and topics that are still wide open. If you walk into any bookstore and look through the myriad magazines that line the racks, you’ll find there are audiences interested in reading about everything from sewing to gaming, boating to cooking, movies to shopping. Can you name the blog to read on gaming? How about a great blog about boating? Think you can find one? Moreover, for every niche that is big enough to sustain a real paper publication, there are dozens more that are too small for print but big enough online. Where the distribution costs are small and even nil, distributed groups can be clumped together to form real audiences, and bloggers have access to audiences that have never really counted before: the so-called “long tail.”

What isn’t so obvious, is that to build a blog that is self-sustaining and eventually profitable, does require cash, and it can be a significant amount at that. For as easy as it is to start a blog, it is still hard to produce consistent levels of content, to acquire traffic and readership, and to ultimately generate revenue. While thousands of blogs may open their proverbial doors every day, the funnel of survival can be harsh and many fall into disrepair very quickly. Blogging is an endurance race, requiring a lot of momentum to build up to become a true success story.

How to build a successful niche as a blogger

  • Although personal blogs often wander through a variety of themes and topics, for a serious blog project you will want to focus on a limited range of topics. Defining a single main area or niche for your blog topic has three main benefits:

It’s Easier to Build a Memorable Brand

  • The strongest, most memorable brands are the ones most quickly and easily understood by consumers. Building a brand for a blog that changes topics regularly is much harder as the blog becomes harder to mentally categorize. By contrast, a focused blog is easily simplified into a memorable idea. So for example it’s much easier to think “Stock Market Tips” than “Covers topics like the Stock Market, Television, and Cars.” You can in fact still build a great brand around a bizarre set of topics; it’s just a lot harder!

Your Readers Know What to Expect

  • A focused topic attracts and retains a strong audience because readers quickly learn what the blog is about, and if they like it, then they stick around. They are also more likely to recommend the blog to other people interested in the same topics. If you move between a variety of unrelated topics, you are likely to lose readers who aren’t interested in some parts of the blog, or who simply can’t be bothered to wait for the next post on the topic they are interested in.

It’s Easier to Attract Advertising

  • It’s much easier to attract advertisers to a focused blog because the topic of your site defines your audience. For example, businesses selling financial advice are likely to see a blog about stock market tips as an attractive place to advertise given the clear overlap in audience, whereas they may be more hesitant if the audience match wasn’t so clear because the stock market tips were mixed with posts about other topics.


For any topic, you will always have the option of either taking a broad view of the topic or focusing on specific parts, or sub-niches. Here are some examples of niches and more focused sub-niches; breaking topics down further and further. In essence, the choice to focus is really about whether you aim to be a little fish in a big pond, or a big fish in a little pond. If you have limited blogging experience, it’s usually better to go for the smaller niche and dominate there before trying to shoot for the broader niche. Not only will you then have a foothold to use to broaden your site, but you’ll also have a much easier time doing well on a topic with fewer competitors.

How to research for a niche

  • When deciding on a blog topic, it’s important to take some time to do your research to find out how big the potential audience is likely to be, how hard it will be to make money, who else is out there, and whether there’s a demand for content in that particular niche. There are lots of tools freely available to help you do your homework and it doesn’t need to take long at all.

How Monetizable is this Niche?

  • It is important to determine how easy it will be to generate revenue in a particular niche. To do this, we look at what potential advertising exists for that topic. While there are a lot of other ways to monetize a blog, advertising is the best way to test a niche because it’s so universal. Thanks to Google’s Adsense and similar networks, any site can earn at least some money, even with very little traffic.
  • As a general rule, if you can amass a large audience and high levels of traffic, it will be possible to generate revenue by selling advertising. However, the sums advertisers are willing to pay to reach a particular audience varies wildly. Consequently, in some niches only the very biggest sites can get the volume to turn a profit, while in others, much smaller players can still do well.

Look for Affiliate Programs

  • Affiliate programs are referral schemes offered by companies selling products and services. A typical affiliate program will pay every time you send them a lead who then buys a product or service. This is usually done through an affiliate link that you can embed in a blog post or use on a banner. Affiliate programs are a simple, self-service way of generating revenue. For testing purposes, the presence of a lot of affiliate programs is a good sign for a niche, because when used effectively, they can be quite lucrative. A good place to find affiliate programs is an affiliate marketplace like Commission Junction, Click Bank or Amazon

5 Factors to consider as a blogger to publish a sharable contents

1. Social Currency

Just like the things we buy, what we talk about and share communicates things about us to others. The better something makes people look, the more likely they are to share it. If something makes people feel special, or smart and in-the-know, they’ll be more likely to pass it on.

2. Triggers

A trigger is any stimulus in the environment that reminds you of something else. Top of mind means tip of tongue. The more people are thinking about something the more likely they are to talk about it.

3. Emotion

When we care, we share. High arousal emotions - like excitement, anger, and awe - activate people and drive them to take action and share.

4. Public

If something is built to show, it’s going to be built to grow. Be visible. People often imitate after they see others take action first.

5. Practical Value

People share useful information because they want to help others. It might be saving time, eating healthier, or being more productive at work.  

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