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Chemistry form four Past papers - CSEE necta past papers

Chemistry form four Past papers

The fear of failure in exams

There are two greatest detours that normally prevent people from succeeding;  "Fear and Failure". Fear breeds inaction; Inaction leads to lack of experience; Lack of experience fosters ignorance; and Ignorance breeds fear. Fear also causes procrastination.  “Fear  causes  people  to  draw  back  from situations; it brings on mediocrity; it dulls creativity; it sets one up to be a loser in life.” Fear robs us of our potential and prevents us from moving forward toward our purpose in life and success. 
Chemistry form four Past papers

We all have fears. Nine out of ten people are terrified by the thought of speaking before groups. Some don’t  like  insects.  Others  fear  heights, deep  water,  financial problems, aging, or loneliness.  

Chemistry Past Papers

Chemistry form four past papers - CSEE Chemistry NECTA Exams
CSEE Exams: Paper 1CSEE Exams: Practicals
2020 Chemistry2020 2A
2019 Chemistry2019 2A
2018 Chemistry2018 2A
2017 Chemistry2017 2A / 2017 2B
2016 Chemistry2016 2A / 2016 2B
2015 Chemistry2015 2A / 2015 2B / 2015 2C
2014 Chemistry2014 2A / 2014 2B / 2014 2C
2013 Chemistry2013 2A / 2013 2B / 2013 2C
2012 Chemistry2012 2A / 2012 2B / 2012 2C
2011 Chemistry2011 2A / 2011 2B / 2011 2C
2010 Chemistry2010 2A / 2010 2B / 2010 2C
2009 Chemistry2009 2A 
2008 Chemistry2008 2A
2007 Chemistry2007 2A
2006 Chemistry2006 2A
2005 Chemistry2005 2A
2004 Chemistry2004 2A
2003 Chemistry2003 2A
2002 Chemistry2003 2B
2001 Chemistry2002 2A
2000 Chemistry2001 2A
1999 Chemistry2000 2A
1997 Chemistry
1995 Chemistry
1994 Chemistry

Tips On How to Overcome Fear 

When it comes to dealing with fear, you have three choices.
  • First, you can try to avoid it altogether. But  that  means staying away from every known or potential fear-producing person, place, thing, or situation. That’s neither practical nor productive. If you move tentatively from place to place, always worrying that around the next corner you’ll come face-to-face with something that could cause you to fear, you will be tied into knots.
  • A second way to deal with fear is to hope that it will go away. But that’s like hoping for a fairy godmother to rescue you.
  • Third way is to deal with fear, and that is to face it and overcome it. In the end, that’s the only method that really works. Here is a strategy to help you face the fear:-
1. Discover the Foundation of Fear
Most of the fears we face every day are not based on facts. They are generated by our feelings. For example, a study conducted by the University of Michigan showed the following:
  • 60 percent of our fears are totally unwarranted; they never come to pass.
  • 20 percent of our fears are focused on our past, which is completely out of our control.
  • 10 percent of our fears are based on things so petty that they make no difference in our lives.
  • Of the remaining 10 percent, only 4 to 5 percent could be considered justifiable.1
These  statistics  show  that  any  time  or  energy  you  give  to  fear  is  totally  wasted  and counterproductive 95 percent of the time. If you’ve allowed yourself to be detoured by fear,  it’s  time  to  look  beyond  your  feelings  and  examine  the  thinking  that’s  generating  your  fears. Compare your thought patterns to the facts, and see where they don’t match up. If your focus is on the past, try to move beyond it. If you’re worrying about petty things, remind yourself of what is really important. And if you can’t change your thought patterns on your own, seek the help of a professional counselor. Don’t allow yourself to remain a prisoner of your feelings.

2. Admit Your Fears
The best thing to do in the case of your few justifiable fears (5 percent or less) is to acknowledge them and keep moving forward. You must realize that the things you fear will come true or they won’t. And your fear will not positively affect the outcome. 
The bottom line is that you have a choice. You can feed your fears, or you can starve them. Both fear and faith will be with you every minute of every day. But the emotion that you continually act on the  one  you  feed dominates your life. Acting on the right emotion lifts you to success, while acting on the wrong one starts you on a disheartening detour.
Successful person who keeps growing, taking risks, and moving forward feels the same feelings of fear as the one who allows fear to stop him. The difference comes because one doesn’t let fear dominate, while the other does.

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